A Diary for my best friend...

Tianna has been my best friend for over 13 years, through thick and thin. We've seen each other through the birth of each other's little boys... piece of cake!!! Raising them? A little messier. Now there is an ocean the size of the Pacific between us and I miss her desperately. So, it has been decided that we will write, as often as we can remember (so, probably like 3 times?) whatever comes to mind. This will be my diary to my best friend. It won't always be about her. But it will always be filled with love for her. Thank you for always being there for me T, even when you are across an ocean.

Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010

Do you know how bad I am at reading my daily affirmations? Bad. I'm pretty freaking bad! So, how funny is it that today, on the day that you asked me to help you decide what we were all going to eat at your rehearsal dinner, I decided to pick up my affirmation book? Not really. Not until I read the title of the affirmation: "Who Knows Best" and put it together with our funny little conversation. How cute are we? You ask for my help and I basically say "Yum" until you decide for yourself anyway. As well it should be! The affirmation put it beautifully, "Today, I will remember that we are each given the gift of being able to discover what is best for ourselves. God, help me trust that gift." Didn't they fit together nicely?

Well, get this? After that, I decided to read the titles of some future affirmations. My affirmation for August 8th: "Saying Yes". Mean anything to you? Means a LOT to me! I said a BIG yes on that day a couple years ago!

August 9th: (The day I come see you) "Asking For What You Need". What more can I ask for than to fly across an ocean and visit all of the people that I love and cherish the most???

August 11th: (The day I get to my mom) "Healing". The whole purpose of this trip.

They continue with subjects like "Directness", "Friends", "Owning Our Power", "Healing Thoughts", "Letting Go of Shame", Honesty in Relationships", Detaching in Relationships", "Responsibility for Family Members" & "Self Care".

Then, when I get back to you on the 27th, all the affirmations are completely focused on "Making Amends", "Step Eight of Al Anon" & "Procrastination".

Amazing right???

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