A Diary for my best friend...

Tianna has been my best friend for over 13 years, through thick and thin. We've seen each other through the birth of each other's little boys... piece of cake!!! Raising them? A little messier. Now there is an ocean the size of the Pacific between us and I miss her desperately. So, it has been decided that we will write, as often as we can remember (so, probably like 3 times?) whatever comes to mind. This will be my diary to my best friend. It won't always be about her. But it will always be filled with love for her. Thank you for always being there for me T, even when you are across an ocean.

Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2009

This might get pretty long because it has been a while, so go get yourself a glass of wine and prepare to enter my crazy little head.
So, I wanna chat about your PHENOMENAL wedding. Is it bad that I am jealous? Too bad. I'm jealous. It was so perfect! That ceremony was amazing. You have this incredible way of choosing the perfect song that really makes our hearts connect to the moment. Mike and I think its from all your dance experience. But from the second the song that announced your grandparents began, I was floating. When songbird came on, I almost lost it... and so did the rest of the, um, congregation? No, the families. I can tell you that Tommy was about two strings shy of completely falling apart. Lets just say, there was a choir of sniffles as you walked down the aisle. I have always known you to be stunning. Always. But I honestly couldn't have imagined how truly magnificent you looked at that moment. And thank you SO MUCH for keeping the ceremony short and sweet. I, and the rest of the girls could feel the sweat dripping down our legs by the end of the what, 10 minutes we were all standing up there? I was trying so hard not to fidget, but it tickled like CRAZY! lol Then you and Tommy kissed and it was like you started glowing. I honestly don't think I ever seen either one of you smile that big! I was incredible to witness.
The reception was so much fun too. I was so greatful that the servers came around to us and passed out champagne and hors' douvres. I didn't realize that I was starving until I bit into that egg roll. YUMMO!!! And while we were taking pictures I began to appreciate Ben's sense of entitlement. He went and snuck an extra bottle of champagne for the bridal party while we waited. I can't wait to see how your pictures turn out. You looked, hm... RAVISHING! Fun word! lol But it fits because it means, "extremely delightful or beautiful", which you were! Until your little Bridezilla moment which I was so greatful you had because I wouldn't have gotten to sing you that evil song if you hadn't!!! So, maybe you don't breath fire as much as the rest of us, but girl, you're still a fire breather!!! lol Anyway, I was glad when we finally got out of the heat and walked into the reception. Did you notice the temperature difference as we walked in? It was a miracle I didn't sigh in relief. It was so nice in there. And the FOOD! OMG, girl you know how to pick em! Deliciouso! As you could see, I was just drunk enough to stay on the dancefloor all night too. My feet hurt so good by the time we all made our way back to the hotel, and even though we had to wait for like 4 hourse, it was nice to just sit down and have a relaxing dinner at Olive Garden instead of partying all night... especially considering we were all fighting to keep our eyes open.

So, I also wanted to talk about my kid, because you know that is ALWAYS on my mind. You know he is starting speech therapy and I'm going to admit something here that I don't say outloud: I feel like this is my fault. I know that if I were to say that to you or Mike, your auto response would be "No, its not". Mike would even be offended saying that there is nothing wrong and I'm being rediculous. But I feel like if I were better at teaching him, he wouldn't be behind at all. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with Jaden. He's absolutely perfect, and clearly smart enough to communicate just fine. I mean, the kid definitely understands everything I tell him. That only proves my point that this whole situation could have been caused if I was more dilligent somehow.
On a more fun note, I looked up Jaden's name today. I finally found a meaning that I didn't have to piece together from other names. The website I found claims that Jaden is of Hebrew origin and means "Jehovah has heard". I'm going to take it as his name means that God answered my prayers. I know I wasn't praying for a baby when I had him, but I don't really know what else that can mean. And he is the answer to my prayers... every prayer I've ever prayed. I used to piece together the names Aden which is Hebrew for "handsome" and Jason which means "to heal" in Greek. My compilation meant "handsome healer" which I felt was pretty appropriate. What do you think?
I also looked up Annabella. I hope that isn't bad luck, but I love the meanings I found. In Gaelic, Annabella means "joy". The Scottish have derived their own meaning from the original meanings of the root words. In Latin, Bella means "beauty" and in Hebrew, Anna is a variation of Hannah which means "graceful" so her name would mean "Beautiful Grace" or "Graceful Beauty". I like them all. Why do girls get such easy to understand names???
Tianna, by the way is allegedly short for Tatiana... which I'm not buying. I decided to come up with my own meaning. In Greek, Tia means "princess" and obviously Anna means "graceful" in Hebrew. So I've decided (which I really only can once I have my baby, and until then you have to decide if you think this is as fitting as I do) that you names means, "Graceful Princess".
In case you're curious, Michael means "Who is like God" or "Gift from God". So, if you put it together, Jaden Michael means "gift from God to answer my prayers". Crazy right?
And Annabella Tianna means, "Beautiful Graceful Princess". Awesome!
Ok, I'm done rambling. Love you!

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